Monday, August 18, 2014

Unit 9 Project

It’s very important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically because it all begins within us. When we are passionate about something, its contagious! People will see the light in our eyes, and the joy it brings to us, they will want in on it. When I am seeking help from a professional, I am looking for someone who is practicing what they preach. I want to work along side someone who has been through the journey themselves. To achieve the goals I have for myself, I would like to develop more in the psychological area. That is the area I struggle in the most with being consistent.

I have sat and thought about each domain of wellness. I have thought about the highs and lows that I have had in each area. I would score my spiritual wellness at about a 6. I am very close to God, very involved in my church. I pray and worship daily. Need to get better about reading my bible though. Physically I would only give myself a 3. I am so busy during the day with my children, that I don’t make time for myself to exercise as I would like to. In the psychological area, I would score myself as a 4. My mind is very active and it has been a challenge to silence it with everything I have been going through lately.

Goal Development
For each area, I have come up with a goal for myself. In the Physical area, I would like to practice yoga at least 3 days a week as well as walk around my neighborhood 3 days. In the psychological area, I would like to practice meditation daily. This is an important area for me to push myself in to help relieve stress. In the spiritual area, I would like to read my bible every morning before I even get out of bed. I would also like to spend some quiet time in prayer as well.
Practices for Personal Health
In order to foster growth in each of these domains, I must implement new practices and ways to help me. In the spiritual domain, I stated that I would like to read my bible every morning as well as spend time in prayer before even getting out of bed. In order to be able to do that, I must wake up earlier than everyone in my house. I will set my alarm for 5:30 am and spend time alone with God before my children are up and ready to play. In order to get up so early, I will also plan to go to bed about 30 minutes earlier. Physical domain, I would like to practice yoga and walk at least 3 days a week. In order for this to happen in Florida this time of year, I must get up early and go for a walk first thing before it gets too hot. I like to practice yoga at night before bed, this helps me relax and calm down before sleep. Finding different yoga tutorials and videos online has always helped me stay interested in trying new yoga poses. Psychological domain, I expressed that I would like to practice meditation daily to help my stress levels. I figure that I can fit this in while I do my prayer and bible time right away in the morning. If adding the meditation in during my morning time does not work, I will add it in the evening before bed when I practice my yoga.

In order to keep track on my progress in the next 6 months I decided that I would keep a journal. I can log daily what was accomplished concerning my goals and trying to reach them. I can write about what I prayed for, needed prayer for. At the end of each month, I will go back and read the journal and see how well I have done. Seeing the work I have accomplished as well as feeling it, feels great! I also think it would be fun to look back at all I have overcome!

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