Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Unit 7

I had a really hard time with the Meeting Aesclepius exercise tonight. I am not very good at visualizing a person of situation like she wanted me to. I was able to make one up though and somewhat follow along in the exercise. I would like to try it again and see if I can get a different experience. Meditation has helped me quiet my mind and balance out my life. The benefits have been so great as far as helping my stress levels, anxiety, patience and time management. I struggle to set aside time daily to practice but I would like to begin doing so before even getting out of bed in the morning. I feel like this would be a great start to my day.

"One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself" I believe this mean that you cannot successfully help someone through something until you have first hand experience. For example, if I am going to someone for anxiety, I would want them to have overcome anxiety themselves so they can share first hand experience. Maybe they have been through some of the same struggles as I have. I think a wellness professional has an obligation to practice what they preach. If not, I don't believe they will be very successful in their practice. Clients can usually see right through that. 

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