- Based on your reflections, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal wellbeing), where do you rate your A-physical wellbeing, B-spiritual well-being, C-psychological well-being? Why?
I would rate my physical wellbeing at about a 7 with hope that I can eventually move to a 10. I take pretty good care of myself, eating a very healthy vegetarian diet and practicing yoga daily. My spiritual well-being would be at about an 8. I have a very close relationship with God, very involved with my church etc. I only rated this at an 8 because I believe in this area, there is always room for improvement depending on the season of life you are in. My psychological well-being is rated about a 5. This is the area that I struggle in the most. I struggle to find balance and quiet my mind from negativity. Most of the time I can get myself grounded fairly quickly, but I would like to reduce the need to do so.
2. Develop a goal for yourself in each area (physical, spiritual, psychological).
Physical- Try 3 new meals a week. Take my children and dogs on a walk early every morning. Spiritual- Spend 15 minutes reading the bible and journaling every morning. Psychological- Journaling as well as meditation daily.
3. What activities or exercise can you implement in your life to assist in moving toward each goal?
In order to help me move toward each goal, I need to wake up before my children each morning and give myself some quiet time. After my quiet time, my mind is clear to be able to plan meals, spend time in the word, journal, yoga, get things ready for the day.
4. Complete the relaxation exercise The Crime of the Century. To hear this exercise, click here. Describe your experience. (What it beneficial? Frustrating? etc.)
I was not crazy about this exercise. It was relaxing and helped me center myself. I was very distracted by the man's voice though. I could not fully relax and ground myself. I feel like the rainbow and the colors were too long and drawn out. I was not able to focus on it.
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